
5.下列关于平行结转分步法的表述,正确的有( )。

A. 各步骤可以同时计算产品成本
B. 能够直接提供按原始成本项目反映的产成品成本资料
C. 不必进行成本还原,能够简化和加速成本计算工作
D. 能全面反映各步骤产品的生产耗费水平


汇总记账凭证是根据汇总原始凭证填制的记账凭证。( )

A. 对
B. 错

记账凭证是编制财务报表的基础。( )

A. 对
B. 错

凡结账前发现记账凭证正确而登记账簿时发生的错误,可以采用的补充登记法更正。( )

A. 对
B. 错

将下列段落翻译成汉语:Once established on an approach, the Autoland system or pilot will follow the ILS and descend along the glideslope, until the Decision Altitude is reached (for a typical Category I ILS, this altitude is 200 feet above the runway). At this point, the pilot must have the runway or its approach lights in sight to continue the approach.If neither can be seen, the approach must be aborted and a missed approach procedure will be performed.
