Unit 5找出下面10句话分别对应文中的哪一段,第一段用A来表示, 第二段用B来表示,后面的段落以此类推。1.Cliff became famous again in 1997, at the age of 75, when he tried to become the oldest man to run around Australia.2.By the fifth night, he had left all the other runners behind. By the sixth day, he was far ahead of the other runners.3.In all those years, he took part in many races and won a number of them, although he was getting older and not as strong as before.4.It takes a week to finish the race with less than six hours’sleep each night!5.The young, very strong runners train for months before a competition, and they have signed official agreements with famous companies like Nike and Adidas, who support them with a lot of money and equipment based on a sponsor system.6.As the race went on, both the sports commentators and the viewers paid attention to the athletes in the leading position.7.If we are determined and well-prepared, we can become excellent and set a good example for others.8.His love for running never faded, but in 2000 he suffered a mile stroke, which put a stop to his glorious running days.9.Cliff Young looked strange. His presence at the race did not draw anyone’s attention as if he had not attended the race at all.10.He became more famous by giving five other runners running behind him $2000 each and all the Australians loved him.
急救器械不包括( )
A. 电动吸引器
B. 心电监护仪
C. B超诊断仪
D. 电除颤器
E. 人工呼吸机
双侧瞳孔散大常见于( )
A. 有机磷农药中毒
B. 吗啡类中毒
C. 氯丙秦中毒
D. 颠茄类中毒
E. 脑疝早期
病人在洗胃过程中如有血性液体流出或虚脱现象应( )
A. 休息片刻,继续洗胃
B. 立即停止洗胃
C. 继续缓慢洗胃
D. 立即报告医师
E. 继续洗胃