
What is the true definition of a gentleman? This question is not easy to answer completely, but we will try. First of all, a gentleman is not necessarily a man of wealth, or one who wears fine clothes. It is no question of outer circumstances or appearance; it is the inner nature that distinguishes the gentleman. There are men in the humblest walks of life who are natures gentlemen. Without going into complicate analysis, however, we will try to give a general definition. The truest gentleman is the one who in his treatment of others comes nearest to exemplifying the "Golden Rule. " This practically includes all, for upon this rule, all rules of conduct and rules of etiquette, however worldly, are based. Some common conceptions of a gentleman are these; a gentleman is always considerate of the feelings of others; he has tact—he knows how to say and to do the right thing at the right time. He is a gentle man—that is to say he is quiet and refined in manner and speech; he does not unduly assert himself. True strength is not loud and boisterous, but quiet and subdued. The manner of a gentleman is characterized by that essence of good manners—repose.


The town itself, let us admit, is ugly. It has a smug, placid air and you need time to discover what it is that makes it different from so many business centers in other parts of the world. How to conjure up a picture, for instance, of a town without pigeons, without any trees or gardens, where you never hear the beat of wings or the rustle of leaves—a thoroughly negative place, in short? The seasons are discriminated only in the sky. All that tells you of springs coming is the feel of the air, or the baskets of flowers brought in from the suburbs by peddlers; its a spring cried in the market-places. During the summer, the sun bakes the houses bone-dry, sprinkles our walls with grayish dust, and you have no option but to survive those days of fire indoors, behind closed shutters. In autumn, on the other hand, we have deluges of mud. Only winter brings really pleasant weather.

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. Its goal is to find

After all, that dreadful aspect of the thing never really took hold of me; I could put it

今年上市的苹果品种格外地多,我独爱皮儿青青、似乎尚未熟透的那种。周末和女友逛水果店,她挑最红最大的买,生怕春色不够似的;我则逗留在顶边上的柜台,那儿不起眼地堆着我一个冬天未见的青苹果。相争不下,索性各按自己的偏好买了一网兜,都很不服气的样子,暗笑对方不会享受真正的生活。 小时候吃苹果,我也爱挑红润的.因其意味着成熟.而熟透的水果必然甜美爽口。年岁渐增,熟悉了生活中诸般滋味之后,反倒偏爱上青苹果的那种清甜——带着点酸涩的甜、饱含水分的甜,咬一口有清脆的声响。也许,成熟、甜蜜乃至完美.并非生命的终极意义.更重要的倒是向这一目标趋近过程中万般况味的体验:唇齿之间的那一分青涩在不断转变着,反倒显得生动、真实。正如稚齿孩童可能认定糖果是世界上最好的东西,成人之后反而学会并且喜好品味茶或咖啡——其底蕴更切近于生活的本质。
