新中国面临的严峻挑战( )
A. 能不能保卫住人民胜利的成果
B. 能不能战胜严重的经济困难
C. 能不能巩固民族独立,维护国家主权和安全
D. 能不能经受住执政的考验,继续保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风和艰苦奋斗的作风。
The United Nations appeals to the world community to make combined efforts to solve the problem of pollution.
A. takes a legal action
B. pleases, attracts, or interests
C. makes a strong request
D. asks casually
This technician is able to diagnose the engine problem simply by listening.
A. identify
B. solve
C. avoid
D. produce
A very virulent form of this disease appeared in Vietnam
A. strange
B. very bitter
C. very dangerous
D. weak