
Thebookentitled"OxfordHandbookofNeuroethics"editedbyProfessorsIllesJ and SahakianBJwaspublishedin_______.

A. 2006
B. 2008
C. 2010
D. 2011


The book entitled "Neuroethics: anticipating the future" edited by Professor Illes J from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, was published in _______.

A. 2006
B. 2010
C. 2015
D. 2017

In _____, the book entitled "Debates about neuroethics: perspectives on its development, focus, and future" edited by Dr. Eric Racine & Mr. John Aspler was published.This is the first book entirely dedicated to exploring issues associated with the nature of neuroethics. It reflects on some of the underlying assumptions in neuroethics, and the implications of those assumptions with respect to training and education programs, research activities, policy engagement, public discourse, teaching, ethics consultation and mentoring, to name but a few areas of interest. Internationally respected and emerging leaders in the area have taken up the pen to express and debate their views about the development, focus and future of neuroethics. They share their analyses and make recommendations regarding how neuroscience could more effectively explore and tackle its philosophical, ethical, and societal implications.Dr. Eric Racine is the director of the Neuroethics Research Unit and full research professor at the IRCM (Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal). Heis a pioneer researcher in neuroethics and a prolific author of peer-reviewed papers, chapters and columns published in leading bioethics, neuroscience, social science, and medical journals. His book Pragmatic Neuroethics, was published by MIT Press in 2010 and captures some of his work and views in neuroethics. He has delivered talks and guest lectures to researchers, policy-makers, the general public, and public officials worldwide.John Aspler graduated from McGill University with a BSc in Neuroscience and a minor in Music.

A. 2010
B. 2013
C. 2015
D. 2017


A. Humannervoussystemisacomplexcollectionofnerves&neuronsthattransmitsignalsbetweendifferentpartsofthebody.Itisessentiallythebody'selectricalwiring.Ithastwocomponents:thecentralnervoussystem(CNS)&theperipheralnervoussystem(PNS).
B. HumanCNSismadeupofthebrain&spinalcord,whiletheperipheralnervoussystemincludesallofthenervesthatbranchoutfromthebrain&spinalcord&extendtootherpartsofthebodyincludingmuscles&organs.TheCNSreceivessensoryinformationfromthenervoussystem&controlsthebody'sresponses,whiletheprimaryroleofthePNSistoconnecttheCNStotheorgans,limbs,&skin.
C. PNShastwoparts:thesomatic(voluntary)&theautonomic(involuntary)nervoussystems.Theautonomicnervoussystemisdividedintosympathetic¶sympatheticnervoussystems.Thesetwosystemshavesimilaroridenticaleffectsonthesamesetoforgans.
D. Eachpartofthenervoussystemplaysavitalroleinhowinformationiscommunicatedthroughoutthebody.

The degeneration of neurons in the substantia nigra of midbrain is associated with _____________________.

Azheimer's disease
B. Parkinson's disease
C. coronary heart disease
D. brain tumor
