A. 三年期整存整取定期存款利率计息
B. 四年期整存整取定期存款利率计息
C. 五年期整存整取定期存款利率计息
D. 六年期整存整取定期存款利率计息
A. 了解客户家庭成员结构及财务状况
B. 确定客户对子女的教育目标
C. 估计教育费用
D. 确定工作地点
It is concluded from the passage that the testimony given by one or two persons is ______.
A. always worthless
B. often reliable
C. interesting but not reliable
D. nearly worthless if it is concerned with matters of great importance
It is implied in the passage that one of the reasons that people often talk about UFOs may
A. they want to tell lies
B. they don't live in the large cities
C. there are only few witnesses
D. the cases are interesting although not reliable
A. 固定面额
B. 固定期限
C. 不可转让
D. 收益高于一般定期存款