

A. 男青年甲与女青年乙情投意合准备结婚;女青年乙的家里反对,其兄到甲家中闹事,并将甲打成轻伤。为此,甲向法院提起自诉
B. 李某和张某系聋哑人,两人共同在公共汽车上偷窃他人的钱包时被当场抓住,被害人向法院提起起诉
C. 赵某与罗某系邻居。两人常因日常小事纠纷不断。某日,两人又起纠纷,争吵中罗某抄起木棍,打在赵某头上,致使其严重脑震荡。赵某受伤后向公安机关报案。公安机关认为本案系邻里纠纷,以民事调解为宜,故不予立案。赵某不服将本案诉至法院
D. 贾某欲购买电视机但钱不够,忽然看见一妇女从银行取钱出来,遂趁其不备将其钱包夺走,后被群众抓住送往公安机关。公安机关将本案移送检察机关,检察机关提起公诉。法院认为该案事实清楚,证据充分,可能判处3年以下有期徒刑,遂决定适用简易程序,并书面通知检察机关


The expression "a pregnant woman" (Para. 3) means ______.

A. a woman who has an unborn child in the body
B. a woman who is taking drug
C. a woman who has the AIDS virus
D. an unmarried mother

______ is NOT a warning sign of an AIDS infection.

A. Shedding blood
B. Always feeling tired
C. Unexplained weigh loss
D. Uncontrolled expulsion of body wastes

The memorable evening include all the following EXCEPT ______.

A. fireworks
B. singing together a famous song
C. a solo by a famous singer
D. the holding of the World Cup by Deschamps

Sometimes cooling systems have to be installed ______.

A. to keep the computer from becoming too hot
B. in order to save power
C. because they are necessary for a modern computer to work efficiently
D. to ensure the normal working of a mini-computer
