A. The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. If we don seize them, they will slip through ’ t our fingers, time speeds by.
B. The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. Don ’ t seize them, they will slip through our fingers, because time speeds by.
C. The only thing I worry about is that we may lo se opportunities. If we don ’ t seize them, they will slip through our fingers. Now that time flies fast.
D. The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. If we don ’ t seize them, they will slip through our fingers as time speeds by.
In Canada the federal governments have always been formed by ________.
A. the Liberal Party
B. the Progressive Conservative Party
C. either the Liberal Party or the Progressive Conservative Party
D. both the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservation Party
2014 年 6月,23 岁的男子甲与其表妹 22 岁的乙隐瞒姨表兄妹关系, 办理了结婚登记后同居生活。 2014年 10 月,甲父向人民法院提请要求宣告甲乙二人姆姻关系无效。经法院审理,查实双方确系姨表兄妹。根据上述案情,回答下列问题并简述理由: