

A. 正确
B. 错误


In security, an(71)is a form. of possible loss or harm in a computing system; examples of exposures are unauthorized disclosure of data, modification of data, or(72)of legitimate access to computing. A vulnerability is a weakness in the security system that might be exploited to cause loss or harm. A human who exploits a vulnerability perpetrates an attack on the system. Threats to computing systems are circumstances that have the potential to cause loss or harm; human attacks are examples of threats, as are natural disasters, inadvertent human errors, and internal hardware or software(73). Finally, a control is a protective measure an action, a device, a procedure, or a technique - that reduces a vulnerability. The major(74)of computing systems are hardware, software, and data. There are four kinds of threats to the security of a computing system: interruption, interception, modification, and(75). The four threats all exploit vulnerabilities of the assets in computing systems.

A. betrayal
B. uncover
C. emerge
D. exposure


A. 与生产经营有关的业务招待费
B. 转让固定资产发生的费用
C. 在生产经营期间发生的汇兑损失
D. 向投资者支付的股息、红利等权益性投资收益款项


A. decline
B. rejection
C. refusal
D. denial


A. 以出让方式取得土地使用权的房地产转让时,受让人取得的土地使用权的权利、义务范围应当与转让人所原有的权利和承担的义务范围不相一致
B. 以出让方式取得土地使用权的,转让房地产后,受让人改变原土地使用权出让合同约定的土地用途的,必须取得原土地出让方和市、县人民政府城市规划行政主管部门的同意,签订土地使用权出让合同变更协议或者重新签订土地使用权出让合同,相应调整土地使用权出让金
C. 出让合同载明的权利、义务随土地使用权的转让而转移给新的受让人
D. 以出让方式取得土地使用权,可以在不同土地使用者之间多次转让,但土地使用权出让合同约定的使用年限不变
