

A. draft
B. drafting
C. drafted


听力原文:I had only one hot-dog yesterday. Guess what? Jane ate triple that amount.

A. Jane ate 1 hot dog.
B. Jane ate 3 hot dogs.
C. Jane ate 2 hot dogs.
D. Jane ate nothing.

Don't tell that to your local sushi chef. Over the past three decades, the fish export trade has grown fourfold, to 30 million tons, and its value has increased ninefold, to $ 71 billion. The dietary attractiveness of seafood has stoked demand. About 90% of the ocean's big predators—like cod and tuna—have been fished out of existence. Increasingly, fish and shrimp farms are filling the shortfall. Though touted as a solution to over fishing, many of them have—along with rampant coastal development, climate change and pollution—devastated the reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds where many commercially valuable fish hatch.
Steven Murawski, chief scientist at the U. S. National Marine Fisheries Service, finds Worm's headlining prediction far too pessimistic. Industry experts are even more skeptical. "There's now a global effort to reduce or eliminate fishing practices that aren't sustainable," says industry analyst Howard Johnson. "With that increased awareness, these projections just aren't realistic. "
Perhaps. Still, the destructive fishing practices that have decimated tuna and cod have not declined worldwide, as Johnson suggests. Up to half the marine life caught by fishers is discarded, often dead, as by catch, and vibrant coral forests are still being stripped bare by dragnets. Worm argues that fisheries based on ecosystems stripped of their biological diversity are especially prone to collapse. At least 29% of fished species have already collapsed, according to the study, and the trend is accelerating.
So what's a fish eater to do? "Vote with your wallet," says Michael Sutton, who runs the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program in California. Since 1999, the aquarium has handed out pocket guides listing sustainably harvested seafood. The Marine Stewardship Council has partnered with corporations to similarly certify wild and farm-raised seafood. Some 370 products in more than two dozen countries bear the British group's "Fish Forever" label of approval. Wal-Mart and Red Lobster, among others, have made commitments to sell sustainably harvested seafood.
But that's just a spit in the ocean unless consumers in Japan, India, China and Europe join the chorus for change. "If everyone in the U. S. started eating sustainable seafood," says Worldwatch Institute senior researcher Brian Halweil, "it would be wonderful, but it wouldn't address the global issues. We're at the very beginning of this."
It can be inferred from the first paragraph that

A. fishermen are afraid of pirates and storms most.
B. people should take measures to secure fish supply.
C. about 50 years later, we won't be able to eat fish.
D. Worm expects global catch data to continue surging.


A. “一个中心,两个基本点”
B. 多快好省,力争上游
C. 艰苦奋斗建设社会主义
D. “一化三改”


A. are
B. were
C. have
