

A. 背书日期为绝对必要记载事项
B. 背书不得附有条件,背书时附有条件的,背书无效
C. 出票人在汇票上记载“不得转让”字样的,汇票不得转让
D. 委托收款背书的被背书人可以再背书转让汇票权利



A. 一10
B. 0
C. 10
D. 12

What can be inferred from the news?

A. US President Obama has only focused on the world security issues in his speech.
B. US President Obama's visit to Moscow aims to build better relations with Russia.
C. Russia and America have reached consensus on most world security and economic issues.
D. US President Obama has delivered a speech to graduates of a polytechnic institut


A. sources
B. resources
C. origins
D. roots

According to this passage, ______.

A. the game plan for keeping brain cells sparking doesn't work for everyone
B. Dr. Small's memory tests can show you what to do about brain aging
C. Dr. Small's advice can help us fight brain aging effectively
D. our brains can reconstruct memories themselves
