在CBM中通过主题途径查找“除利福平以外的大环内酰胺类药物治疗肺结核”方面的文献,下列哪个检索式是正确的 (1分)
A. (利福平[不加权:扩展] not 内酰胺类,大环[不加权:扩展]) and 结核,肺[不加权:扩展]
B. 利福平[不加权:扩展]and 内酰胺类,大环[不加权,扩展] not 结核,肺[不加权:扩展]
C. 内酰胺类,大环[不加权:扩展] not 利福平[不加权:扩展] and 结核,肺[不加权:扩展]
D. (内酰胺类,大环[不加权:扩展] or 利福平[不加权:扩展])and 结核,肺[不加权:扩展]
E. 内酰胺类,大环[不加权:扩展] and 利福平[不加权:扩展] not 结核,肺[不加权:扩展]
your letter , I would have started off two days ago.
A. If I received
B. Should I receive
C. If I could have received
D. Had I received
A. 训练或比赛中
B. 训练或比赛后即刻发生
C. 训练或比赛后短时间内发生
D. 训练或比赛后1小时后发生
Only when possible to settle the problem .
A. does the editor come will it be
B. the editor comes will it be
C. has the editor come it will be
D. the editor comes it will be