
The most remarkable about daydreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. Industralist Henry J. Kaiser believed that most of his success due to the positive use of daydreaming. Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse. The young Thomas Jefferson pictured himself as an inventor. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreaming come true.

A. 顺序型
B. 转折型
C. 并列型
D. 递进型


Lies also do harm to those who tell them, to their integrity, and, in the long run, to their credibility. Lies hurt their collegues as well. it contributes to the spiral of lawsuit and "defensive medicine", and thus it injures, in turn, the entire medical profession

A. 并列
B. 递进
C. 转折
D. 顺序

Here is how those who believe in creatice daydreaming going about it. Choose a time when you can be alone and undisturbed. Close your eyes, to permit your imagination to soar freely. Many people find that they get the best results by pretending that they are sitting befiore a large screen.

A. 并列
B. 递进
C. 转折
D. 顺序

Every society has its own way of taking care of the elderly. In many countries it is the custom for grandparents to live with their children. In this way family can express their gratefulness and show respect for the elderly. But in America, many of the old people are either put in nursing homes or live alone, as if they have no relatives.

A. 顺序
B. 并列
C. 转折
D. 递进


A. 社会和谐
B. 见利忘义
C. 礼义廉耻
D. 道德修养
