
He won't be against us in the meeting provided that we ask for his advice in advance.


We thoroughly understand each other even if (even though ) we don't always agree.

翻译下列段落:Some doctors teach the technique of self-hypnosis(自我催眠术) to their patients so that they can relax themselves if they enter a stressful period. In order that you may hypnotize yourself, you need an open mind to the idea and you must have time and a quiet place.

患者右侧锁骨中、外1/3处骨折,发现其内侧断端向上,外侧断端向下移位。内侧断端向上移位是下列什么肌肉牵拉所致? ( )

A. 锁骨下肌
B. 胸锁乳突肌
C. 三角肌
D. 斜方肌
E. 胸大肌

经右锁骨下静脉穿刺手术,患者出现胸闷、出虚汗进而呼吸困难,可能术中损伤了下列哪种结构 ? ()

A. 臂丛
B. 胸膜顶
C. 引起血管出血所致
D. 膈神经
E. 迷走神经
