
Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a start essay entitled Should Euthanasia Be Legalized'? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 安乐死应该合法化;
2. 安乐死不应合法化;


The use of an image of a baby with ______ as a symbolic representation of the New Year was

[Java 源程序:一个简单的Web服务器]
/* WebServer.java* /
package objclass;
import java.net. * ;
import java.io. * ;
public class WebServer {
public static final int PORT=8080; //Web 服务器侦听的端口号
public static final String WEB_ROOT=
//WEB_ROOT 变量存放Web服务器工作目录,该目录存放HTML、GIF图片等静态文件资源
private static final String SHUTDOWN_COMMAND=“/shutdown”;
private boolean shutdown=falset //是否收到关闭服务器命令的标志
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebServer server=new WebServer();
public void await(){
Serversocbet serverSocket=null
serversocket=new (1) ; //创建侦听端口号为PORT的Serversocket类型的对象
System.out.println(“WebServer Started!”);
while(! shutdown) { //循环等待客户端连接
Socket socket=null
InputStream input=null;
OutputStream utput=null;
socket= (2) ; //创建来自客户端的连接套接宇
input=SOCket. (3) , //创建输入流
output=SOCket. (4) //创建输出流
Request request=new Request(input); //创建Request对象
request. (5) ; //解析客户端HTTP请求
Responseresponse=new Response(output); //创建Response对象
response.setRequest(request); //将Request对象传递给Response对象
response (6) ; //给客户端发送所请求的静态资源
(7) , //关闭连接套接字
shutdown=request. (8) .equals(SHUTDOWN_COMMAND);
/ * Request.java */
package objclass;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
public class Request {
private InputStream input;
private String uri;
public Request(InputStream input) { this.input=input;}
public void parse() {... parseUri();...} //解析客户端HTTP请求消息
private String parseUri(String requestString) {... } //解析客户端HTTP请求中的URI
public String getUri() {return uri;}

听力原文:By far the most serious economic problem in Britain is that of inflation, now being accelerated by overheated investment in capital and property and threatened further by a possible wage explosion.

If you were swayed by someone's looks, would that be wrong? In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.
Even now, the expression "as ugly as sin" has not quite passed from the language. There is, of course, the equally famous expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", to counter it. Most beholders agree what is beautiful — and modern biology suggests there is a good reason for that agreement. Biology also suggests that beauty may, indeed, be a good rule of thumb for assessing someone of either sex. Not an infallible one, and certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation. But, nevertheless, an instinctive one, and one that is bound to contribute to the advantage of the physically well endowed.
