An International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP) for a "new" vessel ceases to be valid if ().
A. it exceeds 3 years from date of issue
B. an alteration approved by the Captain of the Port is made
C. an intermediate survey has not be conducted within 12 months from the date that the IOPP was issued
D. the vessel is transferred to the flag of another country
某写字楼工程,建筑面积78000m2,现浇框筒结构,地下2层,地上36层。基础采用桩基础加箱形基础,工程桩为泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩,桩径1000mm,桩长35m,共320根,钢筋笼长度21m;基础埋深8.4m,底板厚2.1m,底板混凝土为C40P10。 已知: 1.本工程处于软土地区,地下水位-2.00m,基坑开挖深度8.2m。 2.项目经理部编制了基础底板混凝土施工方案,确定了商品混凝土供应站。 3.桩基计划每天施工16根。 4.基础底板施工环境温度29℃,混凝土人模温度40℃。 根据《混凝土结构工程施工规范》GB50666--2011,说明基础底板大体积混凝土温度控制应符合哪些规定?
A. 纵向5个,横向5个
B. 纵向10个
C. 横向10个
D. 纵向5个