石家庄第一医院主任医师刘琼芳是新中国培养的第一代医学大学生,她医术精湛,为上万名患者解除了病痛;她爱院如家,将给病人看好病视为自己最大的快乐;她身患癌症36年,仍时刻想病人所想,急病人所急,用自己的实际行动完美诠释了医德、医术和医心。刘琼芳医生的事迹表明()。 ①价值观对人的行为具有积极的促进作用 ②站在人民的立场上才能保证价值判断和价值选择的正确性 ③劳动和奉献是实现人生价值的必由之路 ④社会提供的客观条件是人生价值的评价标准
A. ①②
B. ②③
C. ③④
D. ②④
You are designing a Windows Azure application that will use Windows Azure Table storage. The application will allow teams of users to collaborate on projects. Each user is a member of only one team. You have the following requirements: - Ensure that each user can efficiently query records related to his or her team’s projects. - Minimize data access latency. You need to recommend an approach for partitioning table storage entities. What should you recommend? ()
A. Partition by user.
B. Partition by team.
C. Partition by project.
D. Partition by the current date.
A. 主存储器中装有多个算题
B. 有些算题不能及时使用处理器
C. 降低了处理器与外设间的并行工作能力
D. 外设的传输速度比处理器的执行速度低