A. 货物在进出关境时征收的税
B. 由海关代表国家对进出口货物征收的税
C. 对进出口货物和物品征收的税
D. 货物在进出关境时按照海关税则应当缴纳的税
A. 审计稽查部
B. 财务本部
C. 物业本部工程部
D. 发展本部
Which of the following conditions is realized by the turbo-charging of a previously naturally aspirated diesel engine?()
A. Ignition lag increases
B. Lube oil system pressure increases
C. Brake specific fuel consumption increased
D. Mechanical efficiency increaded
A. 基托边缘过长
B. 基托进入组织倒凹
C. 基托组织面有小结节
D. 骨隆突处未缓冲
E. 基托不密合