
The mental health movement in the United States began with a period of considerable enlightenment.①Dorothea Dix was shocked to find the mentally ill in jails and almshouses(养老院)and crusaded for the establishment of asylums in whish people could receive humane care in hospital like environments and treatment which might help restore them to sanity.By the mid 1800s,20 states had established asylums, but during the late 1800s and early 1900s,in the face of economic depression, legislatures were unable to appropriate sufficient funds for decent care.Asylums became overcrowded and prison like. Additionally, patients were more resistant to treatment than the pioneers in the mental health field had anticipated, and security and restraint were needed to protect patients and others. Mental institutions became frightening and depressing places in which the rights of patients were all but forgotten. These conditions continued until after World War Ⅱ. ②At that time, new treatments were discovered for some major mental illnesses theretofore considered untreatable(penicillin for syphilis of the brain and insulin treatment for schizophrenia) and depressions), and a succession of books, motion pictures, and newspaper exposes called attention to the plight of the mentally ill. Improvements were made and Dr. David Vail’s Humane Practices Program is a beacon for today. But changes were slow in coming until the early 1960s. ③At that time, the Civil Rights movement led lawyers to investigate America’s prisons, which were disproportionately populated by blacks, and they in turn followed prisoners into the only institutions that were worse than the prisons--the hospital for the criminally insane . The prisons were filled with angry young men that, encouraged by legal support, were quick to demand their rights. ④The hospital for the criminally insane, by contrast, were populated with people who were considered "crazy" and who were often kept obediently in their place through the use of severe bodily restraints and large doses of major tranquilizers, The young cadre (骨 干) of public interest lawyers liked their role in the mental hospitals. The lawyers found a population that was both passive and easy to champion. These were, after all, people who, unlike criminals, had done nothing wrong. And in many states, they were being kept in horrendous institutions, an injustice, which once exposed, was bound to shock the public and, particularly, the judicial conscience. Patients’ rights groups successfully encouraged reform by lobbying in state legislatures. Judicial interventions have had some definite positive effects, but there is growing awareness that courts cannot provide the standards and the review mechanisms that assure good patient care. ⑤The details of providing day-to-day care simply cannot be mandated by a court, so it is time to take from the courts the responsibility for delivery of mental health care and assurance of patient right and return it to the state mental health administrators to whom the mandate was originally given. Though it is a difficult task, administrators must undertake to write roles and standards and to provide the training and surveillance (监督) to assure that treatment is given and patient rights are respected. According to the passage, mental hospital conditions were radically changed because of ______.

A. groups of young angry men in the 1900s
B. active young lawyers in the 1960s
C. innocent insane patients’ protest
D. powerful court interventions


(3~5题共用病例)23岁妇女,停经lO周,阴道不规则流血10余天,量不多,呈暗红色,血中伴有小水泡物,妇科检查:B.Pl40/90mmH9,子宫前倾,如孕4个月大,两侧附件可触到鹅卵大、囊性、活动良好、表面光滑的肿物。 患者经治疗后即将出院,护士应告知其随访时间为

A. 1年
B. 2年
C. 3年
D. 4年
E. 5年

[听力原文] 未来几天,随着连续降雨,高温势力短期内将有所减弱,全省的最高气温都不会超过30度。但气象专家也提醒大家,高温天气并不会就此结束,还要等待一段时间才能进入凉爽的秋天。()

A. 最近几天都不会下雨
B. 高温天气还没有结束
C. 最高气温只有30度
D. 现在已经进入秋天了

Passage oneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A. The members of Congress.
B. The public.
C. Experts in every field.
D. Children who like comic books.

案例分析题背景资料:某河道工程项目法人按照《水利水电工程标准施工招标文件》(2009年版)编制了施工招标文件,招标文件规定不允许联合体投标。某投标人递交的投标文件由投标函及附录、授权委托书(含法定代表人证明文件)、投标保证金、项目管理机构、施工组织设计、资格审查资料、拟分包情况表、已标价工程量清单组成。投标文件拟将渠道混凝土砌块衬砌项目分包,填报了拟分包情况表。经评标委员会评审,该投标人中标,并签订合同。施工期第一个月完成的项目和工程量(或费用)如下:(1)80m3/h挖泥船施工,河道疏浚(5km,断面积48m2);(2)施工期自然回淤清除(断面积2m2);(3)河道疏浚超挖断面积(4m2);(4)排泥管安装拆除,费用10万元;(5)开工展布,费用4万元;(6)施工辅助工程,包括浚前扫床和障碍物清除及其他辅助工程,费用50万元。问题: 若80m3/h挖泥船单价为12元/m3,每月工程质量保证金按工程款的5%扣留,计算施工期第1月应支付的工程款和扣留的工程质量保证金。
