
下列行为中,属于有效行为的有( )。

A. 甲 6 岁,姨妈私下送给他一辆价值 200 元的玩具汽车
B. 乙 10 岁,送给同学一支彩色铅笔
C. 丙 16 岁,家境富裕,用自己的零花钱给母亲购买价值 2 万元的香奈儿包作为生日礼物
D. 丁 19 岁,在校大学生,向同学借款 1 万元用于炒股


Direction: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words.The Guilin Li River is ___1___ (locate) in the northeast of Guangxi Zhang Autonomous Region, and it is the ___2___ (type) Karst peak physiognomy. The hills and stones stick up, nad peak clumps join together here. The Li River and its branches ___3___ (bypass) both the hills and stones, and it is ___4___ (surround) by the hills and rivers, which is ___5___ (comparable) elegant and beautiful. Therefore, the Li River is really ___6___ (worth) of the good reputation of "The Mountains and Rivers of Guilin are the ___7___ (fine) under Heaven".

打发淡奶油若需要添加细砂糖,在下列哪一种阶段下加入较为适宜( )。

A. 搅拌开始时
B. 鲜奶油即将凝固时
C. 鲜奶油体膨胀两倍时
D. 搅拌终了前

蛇丹主要多见于( )季节?

A. 春秋季
B. 春夏季
C. 夏秋季
D. 秋冬季

治疗蛇丹时选用太冲穴而不选用行间穴是因为( )?

A. 太冲是输穴
B. 太冲可以疏肝
C. 太冲可以泻肝胆之火
D. 太冲可以养血
