
The Gates Fundation has set aside millions of dollars to develop educational technology

A. in developing countries
B. in developed countries
C. in the United States
D. in North America


Many Americans have taken to treadmill for years by virtue of______.

A. its inherent awards to their health
B. its greater consumption of oxygen
C. the compliment paid by authorities
D. the actual benefits from the exercise

What's the main idea of this passage?

A. Ireland's language renaissance.
B. Ireland's language dilemma.
C. Irish educational system.
D. The boom of gaelscoileanna.

The leader of the imagist movement in American literature is

A. Wallace Stevens.
B. Ezra Pound.
C. Robert Frost.
D. Thomas Stearns Eliot.

A.Because he wanted to meet the woman's parents.B.Because he goes to beach house each

A. Because he wanted to meet the woman's parents.
Because he goes to beach house each August.
C. Because he won't be able to take a vacation.
D. Because he didn't know the woman's plan.
