

A. which
B. in which
C. that
D. it


You recently upgraded all Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers to Windows 2000 Professional. You want to give a new employee named Maria the ability to back up files, share resources, and install programs on a client computer that she shares with other users. You do not want Maria to be able to read other users' files.
What should you do to accomplish these goals? (Choose all that apply)

Add Maria's user account to the System group.
B. Add Maria's user account to the Interactive group.
C. Add Maria's user account to the Power Users group.
D. Add Maria's user account to the Administrators group.
E. Add Maria's user account to the Backup Operators group.

挖方路基,土基顶面30cm以内压实度应达到95%。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型______。 Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Commandl的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Commandl_click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。

A. Ptivate Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"C:\Person.txt"For Output AS#1 BName=InputBox("输入姓名") BTelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write#1,BName,BTeLNum Clodr#1 End Sub
B. Ptivate Sub Commandl_C1iok() Dim B As Books Opcn"c:\Person.txt"For Input As#1 BName=InputBox("输入姓名") BTelNum=InpuBox("输入电话号码") Print#1,BName,@B@TelNum C1ose#1 End Sub
C. Private Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Output As #1 BName=InputBox("输入姓名") BTelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write#1、B Close#1 End Sub
D. Private Sub Command1 C1ick() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Input As #1 Name=InputBox('输入姓名') TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print#1,Name,TelNum Close#1 End Sub

