AT89C51系列单片机由_____________字节片内RAM存储器,由_____________个16位定时器 ;有4个____________位并行口;P0,P1,P2,P3;有_______________个全双工的串行口;有____________个中断源。
[音频]Listen and fill in the blanks.Ruby got her first ( 1 ) payment, but instead of cash, she got a check. She didin't know how to use it. John advised her to ( 2 ) the check in a bank, and then pay her ( 3 ) by checks and get some cash with her ( 4 ) card. With the ATM, you can deposit or get money all over the city or the country, or even around the ( 5 ). You can even pay your bills( 6).
A. 奖金
B. 红利
C. 保险
D. 福利
A. 竞争性
B. 合法性
C. 战略性
D. 激励性
A. 薪酬设计更趋于人性化
B. 薪酬分配形式由货币主导型向资本主导型过渡
C. 宽带型薪酬结构日益流行
D. 集体谈判
E. 薪酬制度公开化