

A. C语言中的表达式求值,是按其运算符的优先级先高后低的次序进行
B. 自增与自减运算符的结合方向为“自右至左”
C. 关系运算符的优先级低于算术运算符
D. C语言算术运算符不包含模运算符“%”


Which of the following statements of virion is wrong?

A. Immature viral particle
B. Extracellular form
C. Infectious viral particle
D. Measured in nm in diameter

Which of the following statements regarding virus morphology is true?

All RNA viruses are spherical in shape
B. Some viruses contain flagella
C. Some viruses with DNA genomes contain a primitive nucleus
D. Viral surface proteins protect the viral genome from nucleases

During the replication cycle of a DNA virus

A. reassortment is a common phenomenon
B. DNA replication precedes mRNA transcription
C. integration of the viral DNA genome into the host chromosome is an integral step of DNA replication
D. viral transcription is often divided between early and late gene classes

Which one of the following statements regarding the replication of RNA viruses is true?

A. Polymerase-induced mutations occur at a lower frequency compared to DNA viruses
B. Replication of the RNA genome can be prevented by the nucleoside analog bromodeoxyuridine (BudR)
C. Some RNA polymerases are brought into the infected cell by the virus particle
D. Viral envelopes are not acquired from the cellular membrane
