根据下列条件,回答 56~57 题:某三层无筋砌体房屋(无吊车),现浇钢筋混凝土楼(屋)盖,刚性方案,砌体采用MUl0级蒸压灰砂砖、M7.5级水泥砂浆砌筑,施工质量控制等级为B级,安全等级二级。各层砖柱截面均为370mm×490mm,基础埋置较深且底层地面设置刚性地坪,房屋局部剖面示意如题图所示。
A. 0.9l
B. 0.88
C. 0.83
D. O.78
Passage Four Albert Einstein recalled his learning problems philosophically: “My intellectual (智力的) development was slow, as a result of which I began to wonder about space and time only when I had already grown up. Naturally, I could go deeper into the problem than a child.” And so, 11 years after dismissal from school, young Albert Einstein published the theory of relativity that changed our understanding of the universe.
No one in this century has been more widely recognized as a genius than Einstein. Yet his problems with early intellectual development and his peculiar gifts cast great doubt on all our conventional ideas about genius, intelligence or “I.Q.” (智商). On the one hand, Einstein showed early defects in abilities that our mental tests value; on the other hand, his special intellectual faculties went far beyond most definitions of intelligence. Moreover, their growth appears peculiarly gradual, contradicting the popular conception of intelligence as something inborn and fixed. His resolute persistence and his skills in playing games with ideas were apparently as decisive to his genius as any cutting edge of intellect (智能).
These powerful aspects of intelligence that conventional definitions overlook are getting close attention in a new wave of research. This comes after years of earlier studies which exposed the narrowness of our usual measures of mental ability. Intelligence, it turns out, is multifaceted and marvelous; it includes personal characteristics, creativity skills and intellectual capabilities that show up on no test. What is most exciting is that some of these iii-defined abilities are possessed by many people. Just knowing about such neglected skills will help us discover and develop untapped (未开发的) potential-in ourselves and in our children.
第15题:This passage is about ________.
A. the development of Einstein’s intellect
B. the wide recognition of Einstein as a genius
C. conventional ideas concerning genius
D. an insight to the complexity of human intelligence