
Born deaf(聋的),she could not use( )language to communicate with us.

A. nonverbal
B. verbal
C. foreign
D. boby


The sick old man asked the doctor for ( ) to get better soon.

A. award
B. advice
C. situation
D. sheet

Generally speaking, views on this subject ( ) widely.

A. manage
B. succeed
C. graduate
D. differ

男,30岁。心悸、无力、手颤抖3个月,大便每日2~3次,不成形,体重下降5kg,1周前诊断为甲状腺功能亢进症,尚未治疗,昨晚饮白酒半斤,呕吐一次,晨起醒来发现双下肢不能活动。 为避免再次出现下肢不能活动情况,该患者甲亢治疗应采用的措施是 ( )

A. 抗甲状腺药物
B. 复方碘溶液
C. 放射性碘
D. 肾上腺皮质激素
E. 立即行甲状腺手术

He believes that this oil painting ( )among the best in the world.

A. ranks
B. appreciates
C. includes
D. requests
