井干式房屋原木墙体中层与层之间通常采用( )连接。
A. 钢钉
B. 塑钢钉
C. 铁钉
D. 木销钉
轻型木结构房屋的基础通常为( )基础,然后将木材和覆面板制成的楼盖锚固在基础上。
A. 泥土
B. 混凝土
C. 木材
D. 钢筋
A. 对
B. 错
The decision to quit school at that young age is,_____,the most stupid thing I have ever done.
A.at times
B.at first sight
C.in retrospect
D.by comparison
As a senior student, you are supposed to know better thanjust_____ until the examination.
A.fooled around
B.to fool around
C.having fooled around
D.to have fooled around