
1. rock 'n' roll 2. ancient temples 3. patterns of group decision-making 4. respect the senior citizens 5. self-reliance 6. competition vs. cooperation 7. definition of compassion 8. school uniform 9. attitudes toward gender roles 10. time is money 11. show up on time for appointments 12. wedding ceremony 13. relationship between family members 14. ideas of past and future 15. family reunion in the spring FestivalAccording to what you've learned about the cultural models, decide which category each strip belongs to in the iceberg model: (write only numbers)Visible culture ( behaviors & customs): _____________________;Invisible culture (attitudes, beliefs & core values): ______________________.


下列因素不是溶胶稳定的原因的是( )

A. Tyndall效应
C. 胶粒带电
D. 水合膜的保护

用等体积的0.008 mol/L KI和0.01 mol/L AgNO3 溶液混合制备AgI溶胶。现将同浓度的MgSO4, K3[Fe(CN)6],AlCl3 三种电解质溶液分别加入上述溶胶。聚沉能力最大的是

A. MgSO4
B. K3[Fe(CN)6]
C. AlCl3
D. 都一样


A. 胶核是AgCl
B. 胶核吸附的离子是Ag+
C. 在电场中胶粒向正极运动
D. 胶核和吸附的离子组成的胶粒是带正电荷的

Match the words with the Chinese meanings
