
有如下定义,则以下赋值语句中正确的是( )。struct{ int n; float x;} s[2],m[2]={{10,2.8},{0,0.0}};

A. s[0]=m[1];
B. s=m
C. s.n=m.n
D. s[2].x=m[2].x


有如下定义,则下列叙述中正确的是( )。struct stu{ int a, b; } student ;

A. stu是结构体变量
B. student是结构体变量
C. student是结构体类型
D. a和b是结构体变量

China has a vast land area of ______ square kilometers.

A. 9.6 billion
B. 9.6 million
C. 1.4 billion
D. 1.4 million

______ is called China’s mother river.

A. Yellow River
B. Yangtze River
C. Zhujiang River

The great geographer, Xu Xiake, highly praised the beauty of the __.

A. Tai Mountain
B. Hua Mountain
C. Yellow Mountain
D. Heng Mountain
