
Lesson 6 aerodrome information 拓展 填空-2[音频]Coastal 34,caution,_____ reported ______the threshold of Runway 27


Lesson 6 aerodrome information 填空-2[音频]C: CSN304, for your information, there are _______________north of runway 22P: Roger, thanks CES304

Lesson 6 aerodrome information 拓展 填空-4[音频]Eastern 414 be advised that the ______ of Runway 34 is _______ by ice.

Lesson 6 aerodrome information 拓展 填空-5[音频]Qantas 10 be advised a ________ reported east of the threshold for Runway 09

Lesson 6 aerodrome information 拓展 填空-6[音频]Southern 242 a _______ exists of ________ immediately before the threshold of Runway 36 Left
