通常通过( )等天气特征来描述天气。
A. 云量
B. 降雨量
C. 气温
D. 风向、风速
可溶性的固体物质在水中带快慢与( )等因素有关。
A. 物体颗粒大小
B. 时间长短
C. 水的温度
D. 是否被搅动
A. 激发幼儿探究兴趣
B. 体验探究过程
C. 发展初步探究能力
D. 掌握科学概念
Why are leaves on trees different colors? What makes them change color?Making foodLeaves make food for the tree from 1, water, and air. Green stuff in the leaves helps them make food. It also makes the leaves green.