Understanding the following words related to money and banking, and use them to fill in the blanks below them.debit; debt; deposit; account;savings; bill;redit;balance;cheque (BrE)/check (NAmE);ATM; payment.
Match the financial term with its definition
甲从A地购得面值2万元的假币,然后携带假币乘坐火车到B地,甲在车上与几个朋友赌博时被乘警发现,乘警按规定对甲处以罚款,甲欺骗乘警,以假币缴纳罚款,被乘警发现。甲的行为应当以何罪论处?( )
A. 诈骗罪
B. 购买假币罪
C. 持有假币罪
D. 使用假币罪
微博的每个账号最多只能加( )个关注。
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 500
D. 300
A. 小企业用微博营销的意义不大
B. 微博营销的传播速度快
C. 微博营销需要实施的监控粉丝的回复
D. 微博营销要有准确的定位和目标