A.She painted it by herself.B.She hired her brother to paint it.C.It needs to be paint
A. She painted it by herself.
B. She hired her brother to paint it.
C. It needs to be painted.
D. It isn't beautifully painted.
A.Arrive early for boarding.B.Carry little luggage.C.Undergo security checks.D.Arrive
Arrive early for boarding.
B. Carry little luggage.
C. Undergo security checks.
D. Arrive early for boarding.
W: Oh, yes, you... you've got to have some sort of control, because it has been proved that these, some of these things, can do irreparable damage, and I know a horrible story about a 16-year-old kid who is in mental hospital now. She went to a party and she took something there and now she's convinced she's an orange and she won't go out of the room for fear somebody's going to squash her.
M: Lesley, bow wide spread is the use of so-called illegal drugs in England?
W: Well, as regards cannabis (大麻)... um... I think as yet little is known about it. I think it may be a rash thing to legalize it now when so little is known, but it must he said that no positive harm has been proved.
M: In view of hostility towards the so-called illegal drugs in things like newspapers and television, why do so many young people take drugs?
W: Well, I think there are many reasons. One of the reasons is because of hostility. It's the job of the younger generation to reject all the values of the older generation, and it's just as well for human society that this is so, be cause otherwise we would never change it or make it better.
A. Harm that cannot be repaired.
B. Harm that are more powerful these days.
C. Damage that can be repaired.
D. Harm that are legalized.