
A.They might eventually cause you to lose sleepB.They help produce a neurotransmitter

A. They might eventually cause you to lose sleep
B. They help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain.
C. You must not drink milk if you take them.
D. They make it unnecessary to take naps.


听力原文: American names are written and spoken with tile given name first real the family name last. So John Smith's family name is Smith, not John.
In a formal setting, address men as "Mister", married women as "Misses", mad unmarried women as "Miss". These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations "Ms. ", pronounced "miz". If the person has an M.D. or Ph.D., they will often be addressed as "Doctor". Faculty are addressed as "Professor".
In an informal situation, Americans will introduce each other by their first name, without titles, and occasionally by just their last name. If you are introduced to somebody by their first name, you can address him or her by their first name the next time you meet. The only exception would be for someone who holds an important position, such as the university president. Unless they tell you otherwise, faculty should be addressed using their title and last name.
When in doubt, use tile formal manner of address, since it is better to make mistakes on the side of formality. It is always appropriate to ask how they prefer to be addressed.
Children should always address adults in the formal fashion, using their rifle and last name.

A. Family name first, given name last.
B. Given name first, family name last.
C. Middle name first, family name last.
D. Given name first, middle name last.

Traditional technologies and materials have been replaced by advanced apparatus and substances of modern society.

A. Y
B. N

听力原文: To most of us sharks are the most dangerous fish in the sea and they attack humans. However, according to Dr. Clark, who bas studied the behavior. of sharks for twelve years, humans are nor normally on the shark's menu. What do sharks feed on? Mainly fish and other sea animals. Dr. Clark. also found that sharks don't eat as much food as people think. For instance, a nine-year-old shark only needs two pounds of food a day to keep healthy. But she says, sharks sometimes starve and at other times they fill themselves with what they have killed. Around the world, there are only about one hundred shark attacks on humans each year, ten of which prove fatal. But consider this: in the U. $. alone, about three million people are bitten by dogs each year. Of these, thirty people die. If a shark bites you, says Dr. Clark, the reason is usually because they mistake you for natural food. For example, say you went underwater-fishing and saw a shark. You could be in trouble. The shark might go for the injured fish you had attacked and take a bite of you at the same time. If you go 'into a shark's territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you. That's because sharks are territorial and tend to guard their territory. Like dogs, they protect the area they think is their own.

A. They eat huge mounts of food.
B. They usually eat twice a day.
C. They usually eat to their hearts' content.
D. They eat much less than people assume.

听力原文: Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Then maybe this is for you. When you worry about needing sleep and toss and turn trying to find a comfortable position, you're probably only making matters worse. What happens when you do that is that your heart rate actually increases, making it more difficult to relax. You may also have some bad habits that contribute to the problem. Do you rest frequently during the day? Do you get virtually no exercise, or do you exercise strenuously late in the day? Are you preoccupied with sleep? Or do you sleep late on weekends? Any or all of these factors might be leading to your insomnia by disrupting your body's natural rhythm. What should you do then, on those sleepless nights? Don't bother with sleeping pills. They can actually cause worse insomnia later. The best thing to do is drink milk, or cat cheese or tuna fish. These are all rich in amino acids and help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain that induces sleep. This neurotransmitter will help you relax, and you'll be on your way to getting a good night's sleep. Until tomorrow's broadcast, this has been another in the series "Hints for Good Health."

A. To make recommendations on sensible dieting.
B. To report the latest advances in physical therapy.
C. To relate an experiment combining sleep and exercise.
D. To offer advice about sleeping problems.
