
Which of the following cells do NOT have the biconcave disc shape?

A. fibroblast
B. chondrocyte
C. mature erythrocyte.
D. reticular cell
E. immature erythrocyte in the bone marrow.


For the basis of classification of leukocytes, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. cell size
B. morphology of nucleus
C. specific granules
D. non-specific granules
E. phagocytizing capacity

Which of the following statements about eosinophils is CORRECT?

A. Constitute about 0.5%-3% of the leukocyte population.
B. Packed with coarse, pink-staining granules with Wright stain.
C. Usually have a polymorphous nucleus with 2 lobes.
D. Most are phagocytic leukocytes.
E. May release histaminase to ease the effects in allergic reaction.

Which of the following statements is true of monocytes?

Account for about 3%-8% of the leukocyte population
B. They are the largest cells in blood
C. Azurophilic granules contain heparin and histamine
D. Have a horseshoe or kidney-shaped nucleus
E. Differentiate into macrophages when leaving out of blood vessels

Which of the following statements is TRUE of basophils?

A. May be associated with allergic reaction.
B. Contain large, dark blue-staining granules with Wright stain.
C. Specific granules contain heparin and histamine.
D. Nucleus may be not clear because of overlap with granules.
E. Constitute about 3%-8% of the leukocyte population.
