
A compound sentence always

A. start with a small letter
B. have two independent clauses and a colon, semi-colon or a comma and a conjunction.
C. ends in a verb or action word


We discussed about cooking during this class

A. True
B. False

Today’s lesson discussed

A. recreation
B. understanding what your dreams can mean
C. being an entrepreneur

A compound complex sentence has

A. One independent clause
B. At least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
C. One independent clause and one dependent clause

1. 在某节课的现场发生了这样一幕:教师:昨天,我布置给大家课前阅读的文章,你们看了吗?学生:看了!教师:那,大家喜不喜欢这篇文章啊?学生全部沉默。(教师的预案中写着“生答:喜欢。”)请回答:假如你是现场的教师,你将如何控场?
