Create Trigger命令用于创建()。
A. 存储过程
B. 触发器
C. 视图
D. 表
A. Deleted、Inserted
B. Delete、Insert
C. View、Table
D. View1、Table1
以下触发器是当对表1进行()操作时触发。Create Trigger Abc On 表1For Insert , Update , DeleteAs ……
A. 只是修改
B. 只是插入
C. 只是删除
D. 修改、插入、删除
Filling the blanks with the words given below. Each word can be used only once.phaselabeledparallelssensiblepeculiarequivalentradicalpredictresentwitnessed1. Ernest Hemingway’s keen insight into his society, ardent love for people and perceptive abilities helped him to form his own _________characteristic of writing.