



I.Summary.The Statue of Liberty is a monument built to celebrate the US _______1______ and the France-America alliance. Holding a torch high, the statue expresses welcome to people who have affection for peace and __2____. Inspired by a German doll, Ruth designed her American version of __3___ called Barbie. With long limbs and an _____4_______ breast size, Barbie is shapely and beautiful. Guided by artistic theories, Wood created the portrait showing the solemn pride of American ___5____. Unlike other coins in the US, the buffalo nickel ___6_____ a pair of connected tragedies, the ____7______ of both buffalo herds and American Indians. The story of Uncle Sam ___8_____ from a man who inspected meat for the US Army during the war to liberate the American _____9____. There are many versions of Uncle Sam’s portrait, but the most famous is in the recruiting ___10____, in which he is a tall man with a white beard on his chin.

II.词语填空(请根据首字母提示,用本单元新学词语的适当形式填空)1. I had trouble understanding the French, so I got the English v ________ of the book from the library.
