
B. Complete each sentence with an idiomatic “adjective + noun” construction in the chart above. Make changes where necessary.1) The bullet missed about an inch, therefore, the rabbit had a _____________.2) With the labor market turning a ____________ to new graduates, starting their own businesses might become a good option.3) The Fantasy Island was full of ________ on their fancy yachts and in luxurious mansions.4) John has always been a trouble maker at school. But when he set fire to someone’s locker, it was the _________ and he was expelled.5) To true love, separation is a pause, not a ________, because it eventually ends with happiness and restarts with responsibility.6) With _________ and good looking, Rosie has captured the eyeballs of the public since her debut album.7) The headmaster’s __________ caused great discontent among the students.8) All of these evident advantages added up to making Facebook the __________ in social networking.9) We need to have a _____________ between being too close and too distant to our friends.10) My phone conversations with my husband were not exactly the breathless, romantic calls I’d imagined they’d be, the kind where you whisper _____________ into your lover’s ear.


凯撤加密算法,现有明文:build your dream,取K值为5,请问密文是什么?(直接写答案)

现知道凯撒密文是 :wsdfdsgewtgfhdfgasd, 取k值为6,问明文是什么?(直接写答案)

根据给出的密文,按照凯撒密码写出对应的明文。密文:bhvwhugdb lv klvwrub wrpruurz lv pbvwhub wrgdb lv d jliw

采用“31542”为密钥,将下列密文进行列换位解密,写出矩阵计算过程。密文:eobeu nlou ltkrr rafo aweyn
