The king is reported as having told the priests that they must ________ the practice bitterly, and if this did not succeed, he would take further measures.
A. approach
B. reproach
C. achieve
D. infringe
The light was ________ as quickly as it had come, and her shoulders curled with disappointment.
A. omitted
B. closed
C. erased
D. extinguished
The original answer had been from a woman and the French had ________ her.
A. warranted
B. mingled
C. baffled
D. insulated
It was not simply a matter of exporting enough to pay for necessary imports, as contemporary economic ________ often suggested.
A. structure
B. propaganda
C. advertisement
D. decline
Unfortunately he pays little attention to the differences and the effects these have upon the implications of what we ________ to animals whilst using the same forms of words.
A. appeal
B. ascribe
C. switch
D. turn