
From culture to culture the proportion of nonverbal behavioral communication varies relative to the verbal communication that is used. Communication styles that focus relatively more on words to communicate and less on behavior are said to be low-context. "High-context" cultures, 1 , rely relatively more on nonverbal context or behaviors than they rely on 2 , verbal symbols of meaning. The difference in style 3 that of time being conveyed to the second by the precise, numeric 4 of a digital watch, as compared to telling time by the 5 movement of the hands of an analog grandfather clock. This dissimilarity in communication styles between low-and high-context cultures creates frequent, significant obstacles to intercultural communication.A high-context message is one in which more of the information is 6 in the physical context or internalized in the person receiving it, and less in the coded, explicit, transmitted verbal part of the message. A low-context communication is just the opposite. The focus is on vesting more of the information in the explicit verbal code.Low-context communication can 7 interfacing with a computer. It is a system of explicit prompt and response exchanges. If the computer does not read an 8 response"s programming, then it does not compute. North Americans have a low-context communication style and intend to transmit their messages 9 in words spoken, which are 10 or overridden relatively less than in many other cultures by nonverbal signals such as gestures, silence, eye contact, or ritual.



A. 化疗
B. 放疗
C. 化疗+放疗
D. 右附件切除
E. 全子宫切除+双附件切除


A. 铁粒幼细胞性贫血
B. 慢性失血性贫血
C. 海洋性贫血
D. 缺铁性贫血
E. 再生障碍性贫血


A. 色素脱失
B. 指尖皮肤溃疡
C. Gottton征
D. 毛细血管扩张
E. 色素沉着

根据材料,回答题亚东股份有限公司(以下简称"亚东公司")为一般纳税人。有关资料如下:(1)2012年3月,以银行存款购入需要安装的A生产设备,取得的增值税发票注明:不含税价款190万元,增值税32.3万元。(2)2012年6月10日,以银行存款支付A生产设备安装调试费用35万元。(3)2012年6月16 日,A设备达到预定可使用状态,交付基本生产车间投入使用。该设备按5年采用年数总和法计提折旧,预计残值为9万元。(4)2014年6月30 日,以银行存款支付A设备的日常维修保养费0.3万元。(5)2014年7月1日起,将A设备对外经营出租。(6)2015年7月10 日,将A设备对外转让出售,收款56万元存入银行,计提并缴纳转让A设备相关税费10.472万元。【要求】根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列小题(答题中的金额单位以万元表示): 根据资料(3)至(5),下列会计处理中,正确的是( )。

A. 企业支付的A设备的日常维修保养费计入制造费用
B. 企业支付的A设备的日常维修保养费计入管理费用
C. 2014年6月,亚东公司为A设备计提的折旧计入制造费用
D. 2014年7月,亚东公司为A设备计提的折旧计入其他业务成本
