

A. 该综合征与感染因素无关
B. 精神心理因素是发病的重要因素
C. 其复发常与饮食因素有关
D. 其机制与胃肠动力学及内脏感觉异常有关



A. 脾功能亢进
B. 凝血因子合成减少
C. 毛细血管脆性增加
D. 血小板功能不良

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the London share market

A. a. It had fallen 21 points yesterday.
B. b. There will be good news for the market.
C. c. It badly needs good news to improve the current situation.
D. d. There are some rumors which will not help the market.

What does the speaker think of Jack

A. a. He’s boasting of his own team.
B. b. He’s speaking iii of the speaker’s team.
C. c. He likes to bet money for his team.
D. d. He enjoys betting with the speaker.

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the speaker

A. a. Managing Director is accountable to the Board.
B. b. Management Services Department is led by Mr. Bruce.
C. c. Regional Managers are responsible for the day-to-day management of their territory.
D. d. Each of the five regions is supported by two sections -- Marketing and Technical Services.
