
are you experienced with following machines or operation ?


如果一国政府有1 000亿美元的预算赤字,那么国债会发生什么变化?

Which statement is True?

A. The Port State Control Officer has no right to check a SSP
B. The Master has the right to refuse the request from a Port State Control Officer to check the confidential part of the SSP on board
C. The Confidential part of a SSP can never be subject to non-flag State
D. Even the flag State has no right to check the SSP thoroughly

The Confidential part of a SSP cannot be subject to non-flag State inspection unless otherwise agreed by the contracting governments concerned. Any such request or demand by port state officials to view sections of the Confidential part of the Plan will be immediately reported by the ship to the Company Security Officer for guidance and reference to the flag State before any details are revealed to non-flag State officials. The Confidential provisions, which from an integral part of this Plan, are held by the Ship Security Officer (SSO)
After a security incident, the revision of the SSP will made by____.

A. the CSO
B. the SSO
C. persons duly authorized by the Ship&39;s Flag State Administration
D. information not given


A. 通货膨胀;增加总需求
B. 通货膨胀;降低总需求
C. 衰退;增加总供给
D. 衰退;减少总供给
E. 衰退;降低总需求
