
When we say “sentence variety ”, what can we vary?

A. sentence length
B. sentence opening
C. sentence ending
D. sentence structure


How do we tighten sentences?(排序)
1、reflect on the logical relationship among sentence and ideas.
2、look for words that don?t do their share of the work
3、use strong verbs
4、Keep it clear and simple

A. 2341
B. 1234
C. 3214
D. 4321

Why should we be careful of the word be?

A. “Be” allows for the use of adjectives which are not descriptive.
B. “Be” is rarely used in written English.
C. “Be” is often confused for “bee”.
D. “Be” is often used in a passive manner and does not show action.

What are three synonyms for the word “say” (use a thesaurus)?

A. mention, denigrate, proclaim
B. enunciate, exhume, clarify
C. inculcate, state, pontificate
D. allege, opine, verbalize

In which situation would a T Chart be the most effective form. of brainstorming?

A. when creating formulating an argument
B. when showing the cause and effect of a situation
C. when comparing two things
D. both answers a and c
E. Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.
