
using std::cout;
class Point{
friend double distance(const Point &p); //P距原点的距离
Point(int xx=0,int yy=0):x(xx),Y(YY){}//①
int x,y;
double distance(const Point &p){ //②
return sqrt(P.x*P.x+P.y*P.y);
int main(){
Point p1(3,4);
cout$amp; return 0; //③

A. 程序编译正确
B. 程序编译时语句①出错
C. 程序编译时语句②出错
D. 程序编译时语句③出错


听力原文: AT &. T planned to spend $ 18 billions in 2010 upgrading its wireless networks to handle the increasing onslaught of new traffic. This is roughly $ 2 billion more than the company had invested in the previous year. Specifically, AT&.T will add 2,000 new cell sites and upgrade existing cell sites with three times more fiber links than it had in 2009. This will increase capacity to connect the cell towers to AT&.T's main network2'. AT&.T, which is the only wireless operator in the U. S. selling the iPhone, has been the target of much criticism over this past year, as many iPhone subscribers, particularly in densely populated urban areas, have complained about dropped calls, slow Internet access, and poor service. Some critics claim the company has not been spending enough on network upgrades to keep up with growing demand. AT&.T has acknowledged that it has faced some difficulties, particularly in big cities28. But the company is closing the gap.
The additional 2 billion dollars will mainly be used to______.

A. upgrade its network capacity
B. improve customers services
C. develop new products
D. market more iPhones


using namespace std;
class AA{
class BB:public AA{
int k;
BB():k(0){cout$amp;BB(int n):k(n){cout$amp;};
int main(){
BB b(4),C;
return 0;

A. 1312
B. 132
C. 32 D、1412

