

A. 加强安全风险管控
B. 强化企业预防措施
C. 建立隐患治理监督机制
D. 强化城市运行安全保障
E. 加强重点领域工程治理
F. 建立完善职业病防治体系


Immediately after adding a new disk to or removing an existing disk from an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance, you find that the performance of the database decreases initially, until the addition or removal process is completed. Performance then gradually returns to normal levels. Which two activities could you perform to maintain a consistent performance of the database while adding or removing disks?()

A. increase the number of checkpoint processes
B. define the POWER option while adding or removing the disks
C. increase the number of DBWR processes by setting up a higher value for DB_WRITER_PROCESSES
D. increase the number of slave database writer processes by setting up a higher value for DBWR_IO_SLAVES
E. increase the number of ASM Rebalance processes by setting up a higher value for ASM_POWER_LIMIT during the disk addition or removal



A. 直接询问信用部门经理,信用政策的执行是否符合既定的政策和程序
B. 抽取一定的统计样本,测试是否符合既定程序
C. 对赊销趋势和坏帐金额之间的关系进行分析性复核
D. 复核定期应收帐款帐龄分析程序


A. 尿道疼痛
B. 尿液外观为洗肉水样
C. 尿道口有脓性分泌物
D. 尿液外观为血样
E. 有血凝块从尿道流出或滴出
