A. 快剪
B. 固结快剪
C. 慢剪
D. 固结慢剪
某服装厂,共2层,层高为6m,屋顶承重构件为难燃性构件,耐火极限为0.5h,柱子采用不燃性构件,耐火极限为2.5h,每层建筑面积为4000m2,且每层划分为一个防火分区。该厂房的正北面是耐火等级为二级的四层铝粉厂房,层高为4.5m,正南面是耐火等级为二级的3层食用油仓库,西面是耐火等级为三级的2层印染厂,东面是耐火等级为二级的6层包装厂。该服装厂共设置4部不靠外墙且疏散楼梯净宽度均为1.10m的防烟楼梯间。除首层外门净宽度均为1.20m外,其他门的净宽度均为0.90m;厂房内任一点到最近安全出口的距离均不大于40m,同时按有关国家工程建设消防技术标准配置了室内外消火栓给水系统、自动喷水灭火系统等消防设施及器材。 根据以上场景,回答下列问题。 服装厂四周的厂房、仓库的耐火等级以及层数符合要求吗?为什么?
You can indicate that your vessel is in distress by().
A. displaying a large red flag
B. displaying three black balls in a vertical line
C. sounding four or more short rapid blasts on the whistle
D. continuously sounding the fog whistle
Which statement is true regarding virtual private catalogs?()
A virtual private catalog owner can create a local stored script, and have read/write access to a global stored script.
B. The virtual private catalog owner cannot create and modify the stored scripts.
C. The set of views and synonyms that make up the virtual private catalog is stored in the schema of the RMAN recovery catalog owner.
D. To perform most of the RMAN operations, the virtual catalog owner must have the SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege on the target database.