
10月10日购入乙材料一批,买价为2 000元,可以抵扣的增值税进项税额为260元,对方代垫运费300元,全部款项已经通过银行转账支付,但材料尚未入库。


10月25日根据本月“发料凭证汇总表”分配原材料费用:生产车间生产A产品领用甲材料5 000元,行政管理部门领用原材料200元,在建工程领用原材料1 000元。

Task 1 : Listen to the following report and write down the correct choice in the blank. (把正确的选项填写到输入框中)[音频]6.A. Anenvironment-friendlybattery.B.Anenergy-savingmobilephone.C.Aplant-poweredmobilephonecharger.D.Adevicetohelpplantsabsorbsunlight.7.A.Whilesittingintheirschool'scourtyard.B.Whileplayinggamesontheirphones.C.Whilesolvingamathematicalproblem.D.Whiledoingachemicalexperiment.8.A.Itincreasestheapplicationsofmobilephones.B.Itspeedsuptheprocessofphotosynthesis.C.Itimprovesthereceptionofmobilephones.D.Itcollectstheenergyreleasedbyplants.

Task 2 : Listen to the following report and write down the correct choice in the blank. (把正确的选项填写到输入框中)[音频]Questions 12 to 15 are based on the long conversation you have just heard.12. A. He’s got addicted to technology.B. He is not very good at socializing.C. He is crazy about text-messaging.D. He does not talk long on the phone.13. A. Talk big.B. Talk at length.C. Gossip a lot. D. Forget herself.14. A. He thought it was cool.B. He needed the practice.C. He wanted to stay connected with them.D. He had an urgent message to send.15. A. It poses a challenge to seniors.B. It saves both time and money.C. It is childish and unprofessional.D. It is cool and convenient.

Task3 : Listen to the following report and write down the correct choice in the blank. (把正确的选项填写到输入框中)[音频]Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A. There were no planets without moons.B. There was no air or water on Jupiter.C. Life was not possible in outer space.D. The mystery of life could not be resolved.17. A. It has a number of active volcanoes.B. It has an atmosphere like the earth’s.C. It has a large ocean under its surface.D. It has deep caves several miles long.18. A. Light is not an essential element to it.B. Life can form in very hot temperatures.C. Every form of life undergoes evolution.D. Oxygen is not needed for some life forms.
