联合库存管理(Jointly Management Inventory,JMI),是一种在VMI的基础上发展起来的上游企业和下游企业()的库存管理模式。
A. 利润共享
B. 库存外包
C. 权利责任平衡
D. 风险共担
A. 订货成本
B. 持有成本
C. 检验成本
D. 缺货成本
A. 对
B. 错
What is the effect of a parallelism in a sentence?
A. Making the sentensce emphatic.
B. Making the sentence rhythmic.
C. Making the sentence forceful.
D. Making the sentence emotional.
Synecdoche refers to the metaphorical use of __________.
A. the abstract for the concrete.
B. the concrete for the abstract.
C. the part for the whole.
D. the whole for the part.