What is the best time to review?
A. Thetime just before an examination.
B. Thetime before you study something in detail.
C. Thetime when you recite.
D. The time when you have just finished studyingsomething.
What does the sentence“chances are ... ” (para. 5) mean?
A. You should takechances to remember as much aspossible.
B. Itis likely that you will remember much more.
C. Itis natural that you will remember much more.
D. You will remember much more by chance.
下列属于商品的是( )。
A. 商场里过了保质期的饮料
B. 自家菜园里种的西红柿
C. 超市里卖的大米
D. 自然状态的空气、水
商品的价值量由( )决定。
A. 生产该商品的社会必要劳动时间
B. 商品的价格
C. 商品的价值
D. 市场的需求量
“一方有难,八方支援”。国家紧急调拨救灾物资。这里的“救灾物资”( )。
A. 是商品,因为它是供人们消费的
B. 是商品,因为它是劳动产品
C. 不是商品,因为它不具有使用价值和价值
D. 不是商品,因为它没有用于交换